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Microsoft word 2016 remove blank page free

Microsoft word 2016 remove blank page free

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Microsoft word 2016 remove blank page free. How to Delete a Page or Whitespace from Word

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Microsoft word 2016 remove blank page free -


If your file is synced to One Drive, you won't see Save as. Click Save as copy instead. Select PDF as the file format. Depending on your version of Word, the file type menu may be in the upper-right corner of the page, or in the "Save as type" menu toward the bottom. Click Options or More options. You'll see one of these two options near the menu from which you selected PDF.

Click the radio option next to "Page s. Enter the page range, minus the last page. Type "1" in the "From" box, and the last real page before the blank page into the "To" box. Click Ok and then save the document. This saves your document as a PDF, minus the blank page s at the end. You can usually highlight the entire pasted table and hit the Delete key. If that doesn't work, try this: highlight the entire table, then right-click on it and select "Cut. Not Helpful 18 Helpful A far better and easier way is to save the doc as a pdf, delete the page from the pdf which is super easy by clicking on "organize pages" , and then resave as a doc.

Not Helpful 67 Helpful How can I create a word document I can later fill in blanks such as names or other info in a contract?

If it's for a printed document, just string underscores together to make the blanks for filling in. Not Helpful 6 Helpful 1. You can Whatsapp it to the other party. Use the share option and send it via Whatsapp, phone message, or share a screenshot of it on a forum page that you both use.

Not Helpful 1 Helpful 1. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. You Might Also Like How to. How to. If your blank page is in the middle of the document, it may be due to a manual page break.

With paragraph marks turned on , you will be able to see the page break. Select it and delete it. Trouble with tables If there is a table at the end of your document, Word will automatically insert a paragraph after it, often resulting in a blank page at the end. With paragraph marks turned on , select the paragraph symbol and change the font size to 1 point.

Step 4: You can place the paragraph markers at the bottom of your document if you think you will use them again later. When you have reached the proper placement for your paragraph markers, you can alter them by increasing or decreasing font size. The paragraph should then fit on the above page, removing the blank page. Now that you know how to delete a page in Word, take a look at how to remove a page break or how to double-space in Word.

Difficulty Easy. Duration 5 minutes. The best antivirus software for If you find this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family. If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care.

Tweet a thanks. Learn to code for free. The most sure-fire way is to make the end-paragraph very small 1 point :. Select inside the Font size box, type 01 , and then press Enter. Tip: If the paragraph mark has a square bullet next to it, the paragraph might have the Page break before option turned on.

To turn it off, right-select the empty paragraph, select Paragraph Settings Home tab , and on the Lines and Page Breaks tab of thedialog box, uncheck Page break before. You can get rid of a trailing blank page by saving the document as a PDF, leaving out the last page. Under Page range , choose Page s , and then specify your non-blank pages. For example, if page 5 of your document is the blank page you can't get rid of, specify pages from 1 to 4.

Page breaks tell Word where to start a new page. A manual page break might be making an unwanted blank page in your document.


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